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So How Are You Feeling?

After all the Halloween candy and the Thanksgiving food of well…everything, we are all feeling tired, run down and dare I say it…fat?!

So you’ve heard about these cleanses that people are doing and wondered if it would work for you. 
But you don’t want to feel worse, be tied to a bathroom and spend tons of money…am I right?

What if we offered you a “healthy” cleanse option where you eat whole foods of delicious vegetables, fruit & protein – yes, I said protein (we even provide recipes). 

We also provide the cleansing supplements that are not hard on the system, plus be a guide to provide helpful tips & answer questions.

Why a Healthy Cleanse? 

The idea of a cleanse is simple - to rest your digestive system while detoxing and resetting your palette for sustained healthy eating. 

The Shaklee 7-Day Healthy Cleanse is a comprehensive program of nutrient-rich whole foods with supplements to support your body's own detoxification process. 

This allows your digestive system to rest while resetting your palette encouraging healthy habits, like grazing on colorful, flavorful veggies and fruits. 

A pilot study showed an average weight loss of 6.8 pounds and 1.62 inches over the 7 days, plus increased mental focus and energy, enhanced mood, improved sleep quality and decreased cravings. Feel better in one week. Guaranteed or your money back.

I’m not talking about weird potions you drink – I’m talking about eating whole foods that includes lean protein so you don’t get hungry or weak.

I’m not talking about harsh laxatives where you feel chained to the bathroom – I’m talking about gentle, easy cleansing.

I’m not talking about eating weird food you have never heard of or can’t get at your local store – I’m talking about eating the food you are familiar with, but never knew was so healthy, tasty and easy to fix.

I’m not talking about spending a month’s pay – I’m talking about an affordable way to reset your digestive system.

I’m not talking about a 1 week and see ya – I’m talking about helping you make healthy changes that stick so you can continue on to your best health and the best you’ve ever felt!

Hear what Kristen and a couple others have experienced. But Kristen, who was really not wanting to do a cleanse because of all the same reasons most of us don’t said it best:

I didn't want to do a 7-day cleanse!!!
I didn't think I could do it. 
I didn't want to give up foods I like. 
My family wasn't going to do it with me. 
I'm not creative in the kitchen. 
I didn't want to be starving.
I was afraid of being in the bathroom all the time. 
I doubted I would really get results.
But I knew that I felt terrible. I was uncomfortable, my skin was breaking out, I was cranky, I was bloated, my sleep was erratic...and I needed SOMETHING. So I did it. ONLY because I knew that I'd be doing it with a group of cool people that would cheer me on when I wanted to quit (cuz I knew I would) and they'd give me recipes (I didn't want to look for any on my own) and make sure that I drank my boatloads of water!
And what happened? It was nothing short of miraculous! I DID IT! I was able to refrain from the things I was most addicted to for 7 days. I was successful in taking REALLY good care of my body. Was I challenged? YES! But did I prove to myself that I could do it? YES!!! It was the best decision for me, my body and my mind. Now, I count the days until I can complete another one, because I KNOW the results I will get. 
Here are my most recent results from the 7-Day Cleanse (last week):
- best sleep I can remember. I fell asleep faster, stayed asleep sounder and woke feeling absolutely refreshed (I committed to 8 hours the week of the cleanse)
- dropped a total of 8 lbs. Most actual weight I have lost on any cleanse. 
- Way flatter tummy. Flat enough that I could wear shirts I had not touched in months
- Was complimented on "looking great" numerous times, especially on the 6th day (proof that you don't look like death warmed over on a cleanse)
- Ate what was right for me -- even when my family was indulging on things that tempted me.
Welcome to the 7-day cleanse, people. Put the work in and we guarantee you'll have results that you can share with's that powerful!”
~Kristen J.
(Thanks Kristen for your powerful story! I think you’ve captured how most of all of us feel about this!)

“Just finished our 7 day cleanse and still craving salads! Dave lost 9 lbs so far! I’m full of energy & sleeping better!”
~Donna J.

“When your skinny jeans fit way better, what’s not to love!?.... Besides the fact that I can eat foods like this all while cleansing the new found energy is awesome and bloating disappeared I was never hungry!”
~Sabrina A.

If this sounds like something you’ve been wanting to try, why don’t you join us?

We do group programs starting Dec. 3rd and the rest of the dates listed below. Of course you can always fly solo and start on your own whenever you want.

If you’d like to learn more or want to join our upcoming group programs, please get with us soon as spots can fill up fast and if you are ready now, you don’t want to have to wait!

Class Schedule: 
Dec. 3
Dec. 17
Jan. 7
We will be adding more dates soon.

I urge you to contact us so we can talk about your specific needs and answer any questions you may have.
You have so much to lose – think weight, bloating, fatigue & everything to gain – think energy, good mood and health!

Fill out the contact form above or click here: Contact Us

You can also check out the cleansing supplements here: 7 Day Healthy Cleanse


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