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Things To Help You Adapt To The Time Change And Have More Energy


Yawn…stretch…ugh, I could use a nap.

Sound like you?

Kids cranky?

Yep, same here.

The other day our daughter said that she heard they are considering stopping the daylight savings time change.

I laughed out loud…hard.

I’ve heard that promise for 40 years!

So, until they decide to change it, here are a few tips to get you through it until your body can adjust.

I’m talking things to help you have more energy.

Sleep. I’m willing to bet you didn’t go to bed early last night and now you feel exhausted. Going forward however, you really need to think about your schedule and cut out the extra stuff that is keeping you and your kids from getting enough sleep.

You know that kids through teen years need 10+ hours and you need at least 8 per night, right?

I don’t care that you can technically get up and show up for your day on 4-6 hours, your body needs at least 8.

Don’t make me pull out all the science and health studies on it. If you don’t believe me, then you make the time to look it all up, but trust me, these numbers are correct.

Just because it’s popular to do without adequate sleep, doesn’t make it right.

You know what needs to be cut out - all the extra things that don't contribute to you – like screen time before bed. Read a book or meditate instead.

You’ve done enough binge watching. Go to bed.

Don’t watch the news, it will just get you all upset anyway. Go to bed.

Don’t eat within an hour of laying down, you’ll feel miserable and it can contribute to weight gain. Let’s face it, our will power isn’t at its peak at night so we tend to eat junk before bed, then we feel like yuck. Kitchen closes an hour before bed time.

Keep the temp in the house cool, keep it dark and quiet. It’s sleep time, not catch up on TV time, not scroll endlessly on Facebook, not You Tubing stupid things people do and not staring at Pinterest crafts you’ll be too tired to do anyway.

Go to bed.

Now that we’ve lectured you like a nosy mom on your sleep habits, let’s chat about your...


Look, the salty, sweet, foods are awesome to make you feel good for a moment or two, but then the regret sets in and I’m not just talking about your mental regret. Your body is regretting you eating that junk, too. It rewards you with inflammation, spikes in your blood sugar that go way up, then crash down harder than your bank account after a week’s vacay.

Your adrenals and hormones go haywire. Your cancer cells, yes everyone has them, they go, “Yay! Food!” as Cancer feeds off of sugar and it lowers the immune system. A lowered immune system helps cancer cells to multiply and grow. The immune system that is responsible for keeping them from growing like crazy is now suppressed due to all the sugar.

As yummy as they are, the junk foods are the biggest jerk in your life. Your Ex may technically be, but believe me the junk food does way more damage to you over your life. And neither are worth it.

Remember your goals to eat healthier? It’s time to revisit them and start over if need be. Contact me for guidance if you need to, because that is a HUGE subject that no one wants to re-read in this article.

Water. Water. Water. Fatigue is a big signal you are dehydrated. Drink half your body weight of water in ounces. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds you would drink at least 50 oz. of water daily.

I know most of us weigh more than a 100 pounds and those who hover at it the rest of us just want to kick you in the shins. Ok, not literally, so don’t send me hate mail, but let’s just say most of us haven’t seen the scale say 100 pounds since grade school and we may be a tad sensitive.

And don’t drink the energy drinks! (Said in my most annoyed voice ever.) Do I really need to pull out all that science stuff on these cancer causing, diabetes triggering, fat gainer, brain fryer, poison? I didn’t think so.

I can share with you some great sports drinks that the Olympic athletes use as well NASA if you want a healthy sports drink that will boost your energy. Reach out or visit our site under Sports Nutrition. I’ll post the site link below.

You could turn to caffeine, a little is ok, and I’m talking coffee or tea, not the soda pop or so-called energy drinks. See above if you’ve forgotten why already.

When we feel super tired we tend to drink super amounts of caffeine, which ends up causing more harm than good. It will keep you awake at night defeating the purpose. So while I won’t beat up on you for having an extra cup or two this first week, you may want to ease back to prevent going down that caffeine addiction road. It’s a bumpy one to get off.

Here is the secret. You ready?

Eat healthy food!

More fruit, more veggies, some nuts if not allergic and yes, vitamins. You knew I was coming to this, didn’t you.

There is absolutely no way you can ever come close to eating the minimum amounts of nutrients you need from food alone. Don’t tell me you can, because no one ever gets even the minimums in. And those minimums are only set to help prevent old diseases like scurvy and such. 

Many people barely eat enough good food to cover the basic, you won’t die, health anyway, let alone eat enough healthy food to build health.

To have “Optimum” health, the kind where you don’t need medications, you feel great and have energy in abundance, you MUST supplement a healthy diet. I have tons of research on that, too, but I think you’re smart enough to know this by now.

If you want to feel good, have more energy, prevent disease, your diet must include healthy foods AND supplements.

You already know what I mean by healthy foods, so I won’t lecture on what to eat in this article. I’ll leave that to another article or I’ll just sick a strong willed mom on you.

So which vitamin supplements help with energy?

Here are just a few supplement suggestions. I know I'll lose those of you with short attention spans if I mention more than just a few.

A good, balanced Multivitamin/Multimineral – this is your foundation and you always start here, then build on what your body specifically needs. Never start a supplement program without one.

B-Complex – B vitamins help our bodies utilize the energy from food. You must get them in a balanced form!!!! 

Did you get that? 

No taking one B vitamin by itself and they must be in a balanced ratio as too much of one will throw off the others and you need them to work together.
So B Complex is the way to go. Only one company I know of understands this enough to make their B Complex in balance. (See links below at end of article or click on the link if highlighted on this platform.) Trust me, you will never want to be without this B Complex again! It keeps me sane, energized and happy!

Protein – vegetable protein. We need protein and lots of it! Soy is best and whey can work if you aren’t too worried about weight. Animal protein can cause some issues so watch how much you eat. 

A diet strongly leaning to being vegetarian is healthier, but I don’t advocate total vegetarian for most people as it takes an extreme amount of planning and discipline to make sure you don’t get deficient in critical nutrients, including protein. 

Most vegetarians, unless they are experts at it, are often to be found to very unhealthy. Just aim for a little lean protein and mostly vegetables with some fruit. You can also supplement this and I highly recommend a specific one as not all are the same. Processed wrong and protein powder can be toxic, so stick with what I know to be safe and what works.

Antioxidants – Vit. A (in form of carotenoids, not A alone) Vit. C, Vit. E, and Vit. D. You need these guys and we all know why. If you want to learn more about antioxidants, you can research how they all work or reach out to me. If you have adequate amounts then your body will be healthier, helping you to have more energy.

Probiotic – your gut is the key to happiness. Forget happy wife, happy life. Happy Gut is the key to it all. Unhappy gut and nothing will be able to help you. There are good and bad probiotics so check out the ones I love.

There are some other things that can help like ginseng and cordyceps as well as polyphenols. They are extremely helpful for those who suffer from chronic fatigue, but you need to watch some herbs as they can interact negatively with some medications.

This is why you need an advisor, such as us, to help you navigate. Always ask someone who is very knowledgeable in vitamins and herbs. This often does not mean doctors unless they have taken the time to learn on their own.
Doctors do not receive education in optimum nutrition and how nutrients all work in the body as they focus on treating disease and injuries. We’re talking about prevention and optimum health.

That being said, PLEASE DO NOT stop taking any medications you are on without consulting your doctor. While you are talking to the doc, ask what the studies say how that medication can affect energy as many of them do. See if there is a comparable one that might be better suited to you and do your homework. 

Just don’t rely on Dr. Google or Wikipedia – both very Unreliable sources of good info.

Exercise and stretching, lower stress – all must do’s.

Blah, blah, blah you say.

We have all heard this before, but are you listening?! If you’ve heard it all before, but still aren’t doing it, then why not?

Look, there’s no secret. No magic potion. No special, never heard before tip to boost your energy. It’s eating healthy, taking supplements to fill in the gaps, exercising, stretching, limiting stress, and being grateful for what you have is what works.

It’s not rocket science, but it does take effort and commitment if you want to feel better and more energized. We humans are generally lazy by nature. Our lack of energy and lack of health prove that. It takes some work, but it is worth it.

If you are ready to have more energy and feel better, then it’s all up to you.

When you are ready, let me know. I can help.

Visit our site to learn more about the supplements I recommend and why.

Not sure what is best for you?

Take our online quiz or request your free consultation today.

Find it all here:

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