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Test Your Cold/Flu Knowledge - Answer These 7 Questions

There are many misconceptions about the cold and flu.
Take our short quiz and see if you can answer these questions.

Answer true or false for these questions:

1. Getting wet in the rain will make you sick. 


There is no evidence that damp cold weather and the risk of getting a cold are related. 
Modern science does not support a connection between being cold and getting a cold or flu.

However, we've all had that time where we got chilled and whamo! We got sick!

So what gives?

Your immune system was already compromised by being exposed to a virus earlier. 
Then your body had to work hard on keeping your temperature regulated when you got wet and then chilled. 
This took away from the special fighting forces making you vulnerable to the virus taking over.

While getting chilled didn't "make" you sick, it helped to contribute to it by lowering your immune defenses.

So you will want to prevent getting wet and chilled if possible, and if you do get caught out in the elements, take the necessary steps to get dry, get warm and then consume healthy food and supplements that will build up your immune system. 

2. Flu is a virus, cold is a bacteria. 


Both cold and flu are viruses. There are well over 200 different strains of the cold virus (rhinovirus being the most common) and flu viruses mutate and change every year.

However, both the flu and a cold can transform into a bacterial infection. See your doctor if symptoms worsen or last longer than 7-10 days.

3. Antibiotics are no help for cold or flu. 


Both the common cold and flu are the result of a virus, and antibiotics cannot help reduce the severity or duration of a cold. 

Do not go into your doctor's office at the beginning of a cold or flu and demand an antibiotic. It won't help you any. 

Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your gut, including the good guys responsible for helping to defend your body against viruses and bacteria, so taking an antibiotic is counter intuitive. 
Doing so could actually set you up for a worse infection.

Besides, a good doctor knows better than to prescribe an antibiotic for an obvious viral infection and you will have wasted your co-pay for nothing.

Doctors do occasionally prescribe antibiotics to people with colds and flu to help treat secondary bacterial infections such as sinusitis, ear infections, bronchitis, and other infections.

Again, see your doctor if symptoms worsen or last longer than 7-10 days. 
At that point the virus may be gone, but a bacterial infection may have developed and you will want to be sure to get proper treatment for that.

4. Once you have the flu, you won't have it again that season. 

The answer to this one is both false and true.

You won't get the same cold or flu strain once you have had it, but that doesn't mean you cannot get another strain. 

There are often multiple types of cold and flu circulating at the same time; it is very possible to have one and then have another. 

This is also the reason why the flu shot is not 100 percent effective: the flu shot is effective against one strain and there is always the possibility of another strain infecting you. 

Plus the flu strain is constantly evolving, mutating into a different strain than the original flu shot was developed for.

Your best bet is to build up your immune system so it can be ready to defend you no matter the strain of viruses invading.

5. The flu is harmless. 


The flu is far from harmless. According to the CDC, in a normal year somewhere between 3,000 and 49,000 people die from the flu (depending on the severity, the spread, and the type of flu virus). 
In 1918, approximately 675,000 people died in the United States from the Spanish flu. 

On the other hand, the common cold is rarely harmful—unless it leads to other infections.

This is why it is so important to make sure your immune system is healthy - by exercising, eating healthy foods and supplementing with extra immune boosting supplements, especially during the cold & flu season.

6. You are only contagious when you have symptoms. 


You can actually be contagious before you even feel any symptoms. This is why colds and flu can spread so quickly. 
We can be in close contact with people who aren't even showing any signs of sickness. 

You are most likely to spread the flu five to seven days from when you first feel bad. 

When you have a cold, you are the most contagious during the first three days of getting that cold (during that sore throat phase). 

You can transmit either virus to other people by touching your nose or mouth and then touching another surface they touch (doorknobs, phones, etc.) or by coughing or sneezing.

That is why washing your hands often and avoiding touching your face is clearly one of the most effective ways to prevent getting sick.

7. Kids get more colds and flu. 


According to the CDC, adults have an average of 2 to 3 colds per year, and young children may get as many as 8 to 10 each year before the age of two.

Children's immune systems, especially the very young are still developing. This makes them more susceptible to what's going around - their immune systems are still learning and identifying the bad guys.

Help the kiddos stay healthy by limiting sugar filled foods and drinks, keeping them hydrated with mostly water, feeding them healthy foods with lots of clean fruits and vegetables, and providing them with immune boosting supplements as well. 

Another tip is to have them play outside often. Staying cooped up indoors is not healthy for anyone. 
Kids need outdoor time for both a healthy mind and body. 
Dress them in layers appropriate for the weather and let them run around and be kids. 
It will do you good to join them, too!

Did you notice a theme on how to boost your immune system?

It was exercise, eat healthy foods and add good immune boosting supplements.

What are healthy foods? Try fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and plenty of filtered water. Avoid high sugar, processed foods and drinks.

Some immune boosting supplements would be a complete & balanced Multi-Vitamin, Vitamin C, Garlic, Zinc, Probiotics, etc.

So how did you do? Did you get most of them right?

It's OK if you didn't. Knowledge is power and the more you know, the better you can be at protecting yourself and your family from the battles that are coming - the cold & flu battles.

Arm yourself today with the knowledge of what it takes to keep healthy BEFORE the season gets here.

Visit our website for the best 
immune building supplements - 

Fill out our contact form up top and make an appointment today with one of our consultants to get a free, personalized plan based on your individual needs. 

Some supplements are better suited depending on age, gender and medical needs. 

A consultant can help you choose what's best for you based on your needs, thereby giving you the best supplement program and save you money all at the same time.

Want to learn what supplements are best for you on your own?

Then take our free online health assessment -

It only takes 5 minutes to answer 20 questions. 

Get a comprehensive review of what your health looks like today and get personalized health recommendations from leading doctors and scientists. 

Receive health information sourced from publications by leading authorities, including the Mayo Clinic, American Heart Association & World Health Organization.

Try it now, it's free! HealthPrint

We hope you gained some knowledge to help you enter the battle of the cold & flu season better armed and ready to conquer those bad guys. đŸ™‚

Our wish is for You To Be Healthy! 


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