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End of Summer & Back to School Tips

Ah August. The sun is shining, the grass is burning, the flowers are blooming (or wilting) and we all feel the winds of change off in the distance.

It will be back to school time soon for many students.

I can hear the collective moaning from kids and the rhythm of the happy dance the parents are doing all at the same time.

I had an older lady stop me in the store as I wearily exited the school supplies aisle and exclaim how grateful she was that she didn’t have to buy school supplies anymore! Bittersweet memories, I guess.

August is a month that is still hot enough to remind us it’s still summer time and it is also the month that bedtimes are reset as school schedules loom in the near future.

So we have compiled a short list of helpful tips to combine the two lifestyles as we enjoy the last month of summer.

Even if you don’t have kids, we still have some great info and offers for “you big kids.”

For surviving the heat, remember these tips:

Reduce Sun Exposure During Peak Hours

UV rays are the strongest and do the most damage between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so the less time you spend outdoors during these hours, the better. 

That doesn't mean you have to miss out on all the fun though. 

Just hit the pool or the beach later in the day when the sun is lower. 

You will still have plenty of time for fun and you won’t melt as quickly or risk sunburn as easily.

Apply Sunscreen Generously

Apply a liberal amount of sunscreen evenly on all areas of the skin—and don't forget your lips, nose, ears, neck, hands, and tops of feet. 

Apply at least 30 minutes prior to sun exposure and remember to re-apply every two hours, especially after swimming. 

It’s easier to apply the sunscreen before you get dressed, too. This way you will be sure not to miss any areas like under sleeves or under collars.

**Through August 17th SAVE 20% off YOUTH Activating BB Cream and Age Defense Moisturizer

Keep Hydrated

Dehydration can occur very quickly when we perspire. Babies and the elderly are especially vulnerable. 
Water is the best way to re-hydrate and the optimal amount to drink is ½ oz for every pound of body weight.
If you are exercising or working hard outside, you will want to add an electrolyte drink like Shaklee’s Hydrate or Hydrate+

The benefits of staying hydrated are:

Weight loss – the more you drink the less you will weigh. It helps our stomachs feel fuller longer and often times when we think we’re hungry we are really just a little dehydrated.

You look younger – the more hydrated you are the more youthful your skin looks. Fine lines, blemishes and dark circles are less noticeable.

You have more energy – when you feel yourself lagging especially in the afternoon, remember to re-hydrate with some water or a good sports drink that isn’t loaded with sugar.

Tips for saving money on back to school shopping:

Don’t Feel the Need to Buy Everything Right Now

Retailers will prey on you feeling the need to get all your shopping done right now and in their crafty ways have raised prices on fall clothes. 

They may lure you in with 25¢ notebooks and free glue, but they’re hoping to make it up on the higher prices you’ll pay for clothes. 

Wait for sales, and try to buy at end of season clothes for next year to score the best prices.

Learn to Buy Off the Rack

Your kid may be screaming for those private label jeans, but don’t give in, stay strong. 

We all know fashion is fickle and what’s in this week will be out before school even starts. 

So stick with the basics – pants, tops and shoes in color schemes and designs that all complement each other.

Try and reuse clothes from last year that still fit combined with just a few newer pieces to mix and match, thereby expanding their wardrobe. 

Again, buy next year’s clothes at the larger size at the end of this season when you can get them at 50% off or more.

Does your school require uniforms? 
Ask your school to start a uniform exchange closet. 
This is where parents bring in gently used, but outgrown uniforms and exchange them with other parents. 
It’s a great way to save money.

Wish your school required uniforms? 
Put together a short proposal to present at the next parent/school board meeting showing all the benefits to having uniforms. 
Other parents will love you for it!

Get the Kids Involved

Sit down with your children and show them the lists you have made for what they need now and in the future.

Let them have a say in what they want and have them make up their own lists. 

Have them write down both what they think they need and what they just want. 

Then do a little online “window shopping” at some of your favorite stores.

Tally up what your child’s list says and also tally up what’s on your list.

This will give you both a glimpse of what it’s all going to cost. (Just remember though you will be waiting for things to go on sale).

For the extras, have your child help pay for them.

If your child doesn’t already have a summer job to help pay for things, then you can “hire” them yourself. 

There are plenty of what I call “extra” chores that are always needing done.

When they have to work for it, your kids may come to find it’s not really worth all that extra effort for those overpriced and often really weird looking clothes. 

And the lesson we teach our children about working for and finding ways to pay for the things we need and want, will be one of the more important things they learn this year.

Our favorite tips though, would be to do little things to improve your health like cut back on soda pop, keep yourself hydrated, choose healthier foods more often and take time to enjoy this time with your family.

Like summer, life is short. 
Be sure to enjoy it while it lasts.

This month we will be introducing some great new products - so keep an eye out for updates from me.

Want a new catalog? Let us know by clicking the "Contact Us" tab up top and telling us you want a catalog. Please indicate if you want a paper one or an electronic one. 

Are you a teacher or know a teacher? These are the products many teachers and health professionals recommend for those who dedicate their lives to teaching our children:

Vita-Lea Multi-Vitamin– fills in your nutritional gaps and is the foundation for health. All nutritional programs require a good multivitamin, like Vita-Lea to build your health on.

B-Complex– pulls the energy from the food you eat, & helps with stress and cravings. These guys will become your very best friend! They relieve stress and give you energy!

Stress Relief Complex– The name says it all. Helps relieve stress without feeling groggy. Promotes a calm state while keeping you alert. Great for those parent/teacher meetings! ;)

Energy ChewsWhether you are dragging from the early starts or slumping at 1:00, these little, tasty chews really help to perk you up to get you through the rest of your day.

NutriFeron – Helps promote the body’s natural interferon a critical activator of the immune system. NutriFeron works at the cellular level, by rapidly activating your immune system’s defenses. Teachers work in a petri dish of germs. Nutriferon helps build up the body’s defenses.

Get Clean Line – A clean classroom doesn’t require using toxic chemicals. Shaklee’s Get Clean line has what you need to clean safely and it works as good as and often better than the toxic brands. They are so concentrated they are even cheaper to use! They even come in wipes. Much safer, less irritating and cleans better than those toxic wipes! Ask parents to bring in the Shaklee Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes instead of the toxic ones!

Don’t forget to take our free health assessment – HealthPrint. 

It only takes 5 minutes to answer 20 questions.

Get a comprehensive review of what your health looks like today and get personalized health recommendations from leading doctors and scientists.

Receive health information sourced from publications by leading authorities, including the Mayo Clinic, American Heart Association & World Health Organization.

Try it now, it's free! - HealthPrint

Are you a mom looking to go back to work once the kiddos are in school or do you know of a mom who is?

Contact us and see if partnering with us sounds like an interesting idea. We are setting up interviews right now for the month of August. 
Just click the "Contact Us" tab up top and fill out the short contact form. Tell us you would like to schedule an interview.

Schedule one for you today!

Have a safe and happy rest of your summer!

We want You To Be Healthy! 


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