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Get Clean Tip

Have greasy little fingerprints on your walls where the kiddos go by? 

Maybe your child tried to make a smoothie on her own, but forgot to put the lid on the blender?

When you are doing some extra cleaning, like washing walls, wiping down cabinets, etc, try a 1/2 teaspoon of Basic-H2  to a quart of warm water in a bucket or you can add a 1/4 teaspoon of Basic-H2  to a 16 oz water bottle (add water first) and spray the areas, then wipe clean. 

Basic-H2 gets everything clean using very little product and requiring very little effort on your part, so it saves you a ton of money and no elbow grease required!

It is safe, non-toxic, has no fumes and is biodegradable. So whether you have kids, pets or just a busy household, 
Basic-H2 will help. And because Basic-H2 is safe, the kids who made the mess can also clean it up. Now that's efficient! :)

Find it here:  Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate

Want a free sample? Contact us and we will be happy to send one out to you with tips on what you can clean with it! 


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