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Tip for Success: Only Do One Goal At A Time

Happy New Year Shaklee family! I hope your holiday season went well and that you all are doing great.

The flu and pneumonia are at epidemic levels so please do all you can to keep you and your families well.

I want to talk to you about YOU this New Year. There are a million how to’s on how to lose weight, live healthier, be happier and have more money. The Internet, Facebook and TV are all “blowing up” with tons of ideas on how to accomplish all these things. There are so many ideas, many of them good, some not so good, you tend to tune them out after a while.

So I’m not going to do that. I’m going to tell you the one secret on how to succeed at all those goals.

The best advice I can give is to decide what is most important to you and work on that one particular area of your life. So whether it is to get healthy enough to run a half marathon this summer or lose that stubborn weight, or even to make more money, just pick one and really go for that one goal rather than try and accomplish them all at once.

One big goal is hard enough to go after, but when you add in additional lifestyle changes and new routines in all areas of your life you often end up setting yourself up for failure. It is simply just too much to try and do at once.

So grab a piece of paper, sit down and write out in detail what you want to accomplish this year. Dream big and write down a goal that scares you a bit.

Remember to do one at a time. You can accomplish all your goals in the year, just don’t try and start them all in the month of January. Once you are well on your way of accomplishing goal #1, then start on goal #2.

Now take some time and picture yourself working towards and then eventually attaining that big, scary goal. Do that for each of your big goals.

Next, write down a date you want to accomplish it by. After that get detailed on how you plan on attaining that goal by writing down the steps you think it will take to attain it.

If your goal is to lose 30 pounds by June 1st, then write down the steps you are willing to take to accomplish it. For example, you can write down, “I promise to take my backside out for a walk for 20 minutes a day, longer if it is nice out.”

Notice how I tried to make just a bit funny? You basically made a promise to your butt that you are going to take it out for a walk and you always keep your promises, right?

Humor goes a long way in helping to keep it fun and if it is fun, you are more apt to stick with it. Enlist the help of a funny friend to send you a reminder when you need it.

Another good statement you could make is, “I eliminate soda pop from my daily diet and only allow myself a half of a can on special family night.”

Notice how I worded it in a way that doesn’t say you can never, ever again drink any pop? Such a statement will set you up for failure because most people will immediately start to crave what they’ve been told they can’t have.

My statement allowed you the occasional pop on a special night of the week. Doing this has now set you up for success because you won’t feel deprived and after you go a while without pop and get over that initial got-to-have-it stage in a couple of days, you may not even want it on that special “allowed to” night.

Bingo! You now have succeeded in doing something you never thought you could do!

You will want to do the same with other dietary changes. Write down what you will eat more of and how and what you are willing to trade off for most of the time.

Just don’t give up everything you love cold turkey. I assure you, once you start making better food choices slowly and steadily and also exercising more, your body naturally starts craving the good food and stops wanting so much of the junk food.

This is the time you will also want to make sure you are taking your supplements to fill in the nutritional gaps. It is impossible to get everything from food alone nowadays with food grown in depleted soils, picked too early before maturing for transportation and it’s winter time – really how many nutrients do you expect to get from that food that was shipped 2000 miles?

Supplements are no longer a luxury, they are a necessity.

Just be prepared and expect some digestive issues and energy dips when you make your lifestyle change. Your body will be so thrilled at getting some exercise and good food in it will quickly start to purge all the toxins. This can cause lethargy, lack of sleep, bloating, gas, skin eruptions, moodiness and more.

Get excited about that! Why? Because it means better health and feeling much, much better is just around the corner.

It may be hard to get through, but if you will just stick with it you will come out on the other side feeling much better with more energy, a happier outlook and the body you’ve been wanting.

Let me tell you hearing the words, “Have you lost weight?” or “You look great!” never ever gets old!

Remember, Shaklee and I are here to help you. Not sure what lifestyle change is best to start with? Want some more information on Shaklee’s healthy weight loss program? Ready to throw out all those toxic cleaning supplies and save money with safe alternatives? Looking to make some extra money helping others?

Then get with us – we can help you achieve your goals, even the big scary ones!

Be on the lookout here later for some good articles on helping you achieve your goals and pass them on to a friend who may have started out with a bang, but now is fading fast. Sharing with them these tips and how Shaklee may be able to help may be the nicest thing you could do for them.

OK, now that you have some idea how to get started –

On your mark, get set, GO!!!

To your good health,


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