Did you know the human body
is made up of 60% water? Physiologically, fluids assist in the transportation
of oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream, provide lubrication in our
joints and cushioning for our organs, and carry heat generated by exercise to
the skin where it can be dissipated as sweat to cool the body.
An adult loses
about 2 liters of fluid per day through sweat, urine, respiration, and bowel
movements, and that's why we often make the recommendation to drink eight
glasses of water daily for proper hydration.
But as individuals, we all have different metabolic
rates, we all live and exercise in different environments, and we all
experience unique rates of sweat loss.
Failure to replace lost fluids raises
the risk of dehydration and increases the chance athletic performance and even
health can be compromised. In addition to water, sweat contains electrolytes
such as sodium and potassium that need to be replenished to support optimal
fluid balance in the body.
Consider these hydration strategies to help get the most out of your workouts:
PREHYDRATION is a relatively new concept, but the goal is
to prevent dehydration from occurring by properly hydrating and assuring normal
plasma-electrolyte levels prior to exercise. Prehydrating can be accomplished
by drinking water or sports drinks, and by consuming foods with a high water
content several hours before exercise. Most of us can benefit by drinking two
to three cups of fluid in the hours before exercise.
HYDRATION during exercise helps to prevent dehydration and
electrolyte imbalances and to minimize adverse effects on athletic and mental
performance. Losing as little as 2% of body weight (or just 3 pounds in a
150-pound person) during exercise has been shown to compromise athletic
performance. Drinking cool liquids early and often, and opting for sports
drinks that contain electrolytes and energy-sustaining carbohydrates can be
beneficial. In hot and humid conditions, you should drink half a cup or more of
fluid every 15 to 20 minutes that you exercise.
REHYDRATION after exercise is important to enhance the
recovery process and to make up any remaining fluid or electrolyte deficits. In
the hours after exercise, try to rehydrate with 2 cups of fluid (yes, 2 cups!)
for every pound of weight lost during your workout. If weighing yourself is not
an option, checking your urine color is a simple indicator of hydration status.
A pale or clear color is usually a sign of proper hydration, whereas a dark
yellow or tea-colored urine is a common indicator of dehydration.
let's all get out and exercise—and drink up for peak athletic performance!
*For more information on health and wellness as well as our full
line of Sports Nutrition products including Performance – a great hydration sports drink - check out our website To Be Healthy – Sports Nutrition.