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Back To School and How Do I Keep My Kids Healthy?


Well, most students have started back to school and college students will soon be as well. How are we going to keep them healthy this year? The answers most health professionals will give you is prevention and healthy immune systems.

Let’s talk about prevention first.

We all know now that washing your hands often is one of the best ways to prevent getting sick. It’s impossible not to touch contaminated surfaces especially in areas where large people congregate, like schools. So washing your hands with soap and water is your first line of defense.

Washing before eating, after using the restroom and after times of touching multi-touched surfaces is key. Do not use antibacterial soaps. Overuse of these types of soaps along with the overuse and misuse of antibiotics are part of the reason we have some of these superbugs today. Plain old soap and water, washed well enough and long enough is plenty good enough.

Haven’t we had this drilled into our heads enough by now?

Next, we have the responsibility to stay home and keep our children home and away from others when sick. I cannot stress this enough. It used to really irritate me when I would go to work and would have to share a workspace with someone who is sick. They would be feverish, sneeze and cough all over and having to share papers and air space with them just wanted to make you hurt them. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t want your healthy children to have to be exposed to a child who is sick, right? Then we need to extend that same courtesy to others and keep our children and ourselves home when sick. Doing so will considerably slow the spread of illnesses.

Now, let’s talk about healthy immune systems.

Unless you and your children live in a bubble till flu season is over your next line of defense is to make sure you have a healthy immune system.

We know eating right and drinking lots of fluids is key. Healthy bodies come from eating healthy food and drinking healthy beverages. But that may not be enough. Food is so over processed and fruits and vegetables are picked before ripening, which does not provide enough of the nutrients we need. This is where supplementing your diet comes in.

Almost everyone has now recognized the importance of adding natural vitamins and minerals to their diet, but there are so many, which ones should you take? 

Since money is tighter even more nowadays, it’s important that you get the most for you money. Spending wisely and still getting the best is so important. Now more than ever. 

Remember, cheap vitamins are cheaply made, do not have hardly any research behind them, do not have any quality control and just plainly often do not work. That’s money wasted. 

Good, quality, natural vitamins cost more, but provide your body what it needs thereby giving you the best value for your money – a healthy body with a healthy immune system that is a barrier between you and illness. 

Believe me, staying healthy is a lot cheaper than being sick! More fun, too!

Here is what is recommended to stay healthy:

Start with your foundation – the Multi-Vitamin and Multi-Mineral

We all have different needs, make sure you pick the right one for you. You need “Multi’s” to fill in the gaps, basically your foundation for health - then you build from there. 

A good multi is your foundation and you should always start your supplement program here. If you do nothing else, always take a good multi.

Find our Multivitamins/Multiminerals  here.

We have a complete multi to suit any need you have. If you are unsure which one you need or have special medical concerns like you are menopausal, take blood thinners, etc., please reach out to me and I will help guide you to what is right for your specific needs. You can fill out this contact form to make an appointment to talk – Contact Us

ImmunityProducts – having these nutrients in your system before you are exposed to illness is key. Your defense mechanism – your immune system - needs these nutrients in enough quantity to fuel it’s defensive line. They also help your immune system recover faster if an illness got by the first line of defense and you did become ill.

A Shaklee exclusive, NutriFeron is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. When used daily, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system. NutriFeron works at the cellular level, by rapidly activating your immune system’s defenses*

Be sure to check out our different products for immune health.

Probiotics – Our gut health determines our overall health and the majority of our immune system is contained in our gut. Probiotics are essential to a healthy immune system. 

If you are lost and don’t know where to begin, have a medical condition and are unsure if some things will interfere with medications, or are on a limited budget and need guidance on how to get what you need and work within your budget, please reach out to me and I will help you. You can contact me using this form and let me know the best way to talk – Contact Us

Now I want to briefly talk about masks and isolating.

Look, the science is there that these masks cause more harm than they protect. They are extremely unhealthy, especially for children. Low oxygen levels, high carbon dioxide levels and inhaling air from bacteria laden masks are real serious health issues.
Remember this fact – your immune system is like a muscle, if you don’t use it you will lose it. It will atrophy and will let you down if you don’t keep it working. It can only protect you if it’s exposed to germs as that is how it learns. Isolating will guarantee you will have more illnesses and will not recover easily from them.
Be smart, take precautions, yes, but stop living in fear!  Stop getting your health info from one sided media and do some research on your own.
I will not debate this and will not respond to comments arguing this fact.
If this sounds cold hearted, it’s not meant to be, but I have reached my limit with patience on all the fake health news being spread around.

So remember, this year is already shaping up to be a rough one when it comes to illness. Protect you and the ones you love with a healthy immune system.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

Be well my friends.





* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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