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Why Body Mass Index (BMI) & The Scale Can Be Misleading

We've all heard how the scale is just one way to measure our health. We've also heard that our Body Mass Index (BMI) number is an important gauge to our health, too.

You can easily find a chart online where you put in your height and weight and a magical number comes out to tell you where you fall in relation to weight based on the BMI categories.

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal Weight =  >18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

The problem with this chart is it tends to be used as an excuse for low weight or is the only factor used in deciding whether a person is overweight or not.

While both the scale and BMI charts are good guides, it's important to note that there are other factors to consider, especially if the person in question is active and is eating healthy or not.

I've known very fit and muscled men to be considered obese by this chart alone! While they knew they were not overweight, it was an example that you have to use more than one method to determine health.

Of course, the opposite is also true. I've known some people who think skinny is the only way to be, but there are a lot of unhealthy skinny people out there and they hide behind the low BMI and scale numbers they have.
The problem is many of these people have no muscle tone and don't have a healthy body.

Based on BMI, more than 70% of American adults are classified as overweight or obese. 
Unfortunately, this height and weight calculation seriously underestimates the number of adults who have too much fat and too little muscle. 

This is due to the fact that men and women who do not perform regular resistance exercise, think weight training or resistance bands, lose between 5 and 10 pounds of lean muscle weight each decade of life. 

Consequently, an individual who does no strength training who weighs the same at age 60 as at age 20 has at least 20 pounds less muscle and 20 pounds more fat, even though the BMI number is exactly the same. 

Muscle loss results in resting metabolic rate reduction of 2 to 4 percent per decade. Because resting metabolism is responsible for more than 60 percent of daily energy expenditure in inactive adults, metabolic slow down leads to fat gain.

With this in mind, it makes sense to have a sensible diet plan that incorporates healthy eating with a reasonable program of resistance exercise that is effective for increasing muscle and metabolism. 

And it's important to note that although it might seem logical to combine dieting with aerobic activity, research indicates that this actually increases muscle loss.

A major reason for the epidemic of overweight and obesity is aging-associated muscle loss and metabolic rate reduction, which typically leads to fat accumulation.  

Diet only programs and diet plus aerobic activity programs result in both fat loss and muscle loss.

This makes the problem worse as the body is getting it's protein that is lacking in the diet from the muscle.
This increases the muscle loss and makes it easy for the person to gain weight back quickly, and what's worse is the weight gained is more fat!

Performing resistance exercise during dieting is effective for reducing muscle loss.  
However, performing resistance exercise and increasing protein intake during dieting works better, as this approach enables weight loss coming from fat loss and the person gaining muscle.

Remember, muscle, while it weighs more than fat, burns more calories even at rest and takes up about a third of the space as fat does.

Look at the example in the picture below.

The two women depicted here show the difference between someone who had enough good protein in her diet, but also did strength training and a woman who may have dieted, but did not eat enough of the right kind of protein and did not strength train.

While both women weigh the same, which body type would you rather have?

Key factors for successful weight "loss" and body composition improvement appear to be:

  • Reduced but reasonable caloric consumption, such as 1,200 – 1,500 calories/day for women, and 1,500 – 1,800 calories/day for men).
  • Increased protein intake, such as 2 daily meal replacement protein shakes. This is protein from plant sources, which is easier for the body to break down and contains less fat than protein from animal sources. 
  • Basic exercise program, such as 2-3 weekly workouts featuring 20 minutes of aerobic activity and 20 minutes of strength training.

Key factors for successful weight "maintenance" and continued body composition improvement appear to be:

  • Increased protein intake, such as 1 daily meal replacement protein shake.
  • Basic exercise program, such as 2-3 weekly workouts featuring 20 minutes of aerobic activity and 20 minutes of strength training.

The Bottom Line

It's important to know our numbers both on the scale and your BMI, but they shouldn't be the only measures of good health. 

How your body composition looks, how well toned your muscles are and how you eat, exercise and strength train are all important to overall health and fitness.

In order to lose the right kind of weight which is fat and maintain muscle that is important for the body to continue burning calories, even at rest, it's important that the program consist of the following things:

  • Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and enough protein to supply the body what it needs to build muscle and just as important, save muscle.

  • A diet that contains enough protein that can be attained through good protein shakes, but also contain the other nutrients needed to maintain good health.

  • Exercise that contains both aerobic and strength training exercise to build muscle

It's important to remember that we naturally lose muscle mass as we age. To slow down that rate of loss we must incorporate healthy eating with plenty of protein, preferably plant based, and strength training exercises.

This program together is what will build a healthy body both now and into the coming decades.

Would you like to learn more?

We have a FREE resource for you - The 7 Big Secrets To Losing Weight

In this report you will learn:

  • How to create a plan that is sustainable and works quickly
  • How many meals you want to eat a day to boost your metabolism and burn fat
  • The 5 key factors to a fat burning workout you can do in less than 30 minutes a day
  • Learn why carbs are OK and which ones to choose
  • We’ll reveal why most diets leave you feeling hungry and what to do about it
  • And more!

Get your free copy today!

You can also contact me by clicking"Contact Me" and filling out our contact form for a free consultation or you can visit 


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