Have you ever wanted to run your own online business from home?
It's exciting, challenging and there's nothing like knowing you have the ability to change your future.
The feeling of knowing that all your hard effort is going towards your future, your bank account, is.ā¦Priceless!
Let's cover the key reasons you'd want to start up and operate your own online business.
1. You're the boss of you
You're not just working to make someone else wealthy. You're working for you.
You don't have someone looking over your shoulder and only recognizing you for your mistakes.
You can call the shots. If you have a creative spirit there's no boss to stifle it.
That's a freedom that is hard to put a price on. Only you can tell you what to do.
2. You have control over your income
All the benefits resulting from the hard work is yours.
If you're happy with a small sideline income or want to work for a 6 figure career income, you can choose to put in the effort and invest your resources to work towards it.
You're limited by you and your situation. Not by anyone else.
3. You can select WHEN you want to work
One of the challenges of working for someone else is they choose your hours.
If your kids are in an event and your boss needs you to work, the choice is made for you. And of course you can rarely get time off just when YOU need it.
When you work for yourself you still work, but on the schedule you choose.
4. You determine WHO you work with
Have you ever had to work with someone that you weren't very fond of? It may have even been your own boss.
Most people are stuck in that situation. The company chooses for you.
When you have an online business you can choose who you work with.
5. You choose WHERE you work
It's hard to describe how nice it is, not to have to commute to an office. Having lunch with your family is one of the biggest benefits of working for you. And thankfully an online business affords the most mobility.
That's a lifestyle of personal freedom few jobs offer.
6. Tax Advantages
The average working person bears the brunt of the tax burden in this country. And there are very few ways to shelter your income and reduce your taxes as an employee.
Luckily running your own business is one of them.
If you're organized and diligent with your record keeping, you could save several thousand in taxes in your first year.
7. Freedom
Unlike what so many portray freedom to be, it doesn't mean never ending lazy days on the beach or watching TV.
Of course it could be if you've created a solid business and enjoy a residual income, if that's your thing.
We feel it's more about the power of choice you're given.
And you'll find that most of the successful business owners in our industry choose to work hard and play hard.
What matters is that it's your choice to give it all you've got, or kick back when you feel like it.
Until you've been able to feel what it's like to have the power of choice in your life, these words can seem a little flat.
However it's totally worth the effort to have!
Life is more fun, when more of your life is yours!
If you're ready to learn more about becoming your own boss, visit our 5 minute introductory movie that gives you a quick overview of what we do.
Then if you want to learn more, request the free tour.
It's free to look, with no obligations.