Sometimes you just want some chocolate.
And that's OK, I do, too.
As long as you indulge with awareness.
If you are wanting a little taste of chocolate, but worry you'll slip off the wagon of healthy eating and end up head first in a vat of chocolate ice cream or a box of cookies, try pairing your chocolate with something healthy.
A good example would be strawberries and a little chocolate syrup.
I like the Hershey's Simply 5. While it does have sugar in it of course, it doesn't list any artificial ingredients, preservatives, etc.
And it's surprisingly low in calories.
After washing them, with leaves still on, cut the leaves off after washing, and drain.
Squeeze a little puddle of the Simply 5 chocolate syrup on a small plate and just dip the strawberries in it.
After all, what you really want is just the taste and you don't need a giant amount to satisfy your craving, especially if you've been eating healthy lately - it takes less to satisfy.
So go ahead and indulge a little and enjoy your sweet treat. Pair it with healthy fruit, use less than most other people would and choose organic and simple ingredients that will allow you to feel special without feeling guilty.
Happy snacking!
I love Shaklee's Chocolate Energizing Life Shake mixed with a banana and strawberry to make it seem like I'm getting a sundae! It's a meal replacement, protein drink that really satisfies and makes you feel great!
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