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Stressed? Nervous? Have Nerve Pain? Try This.

Do you suffer from:
Mood swings?
Brain fog?
Hair loss?
Nerve pain?

You may be deficient in B vitamins.

B vitamins help to give you more energy by enabling the body to release energy from the food you eat. 

They also do an amazing job at helping your body and mind cope with stress. 

The more stress you are under the faster your body burns the B’s.

B vitamins are vital to the nervous system. They produce a definite chemical reaction on the nerve endings that affect the neurotransmitters, allowing messages to reach the brain. 

Countless people, including myself have achieved remarkable results from taking B-Complex to help with problems such as MS, Fibromyalgia and other diseases affecting the nervous system.

Folic acid is well known to help prevent birth defects and it is essential to have an adequate supply before a woman becomes pregnant.

B vitamins are also needed for a variety of critical functions. They form protective antibodies, are critical to the production of healthy red blood cells, are essential for normal growth and contribute to healthy skin and hair.

Food that contains B vitamins:

Fortified Cereals

It is extremely hard to get enough of all the B vitamins from just diet alone. 

Add in all the extra stress we face nowadays and we fine most people are deficient.

This is why it’s often recommended to add B vitamin supplements to a healthy diet.

You must take B vitamins together as a family.

Did you know that taking too much of one B vitamin can throw off the balance of the other B vitamins? 

That is why you almost never take large amounts of individual B vitamins alone like just B12, etc. without making sure you are consuming the other B’s in their proper balance.

Shaklee B-Complex vs. other brands

Other manufacturers often include little to none of the more expensive B vitamins such as biotin and folic acid. 
Shaklee provides all 8 essential B vitamins in the right ration including 100% of the DV for biotin and folic acid.

Shaklee B-Complex contains no preservatives, sweeteners or artificial coloring.

Prior to taking Shaklee I found other B vitamins made me jittery and I did not get the same results as I did when I switched to Shaklee’s B-Complex.

The color of your urine will turn yellow when your body is getting enough B vitamins. This is normal. 
Know that you are not wasting your vitamins. The yellow color is actually the color urine is supposed to be. 
When we are under stress or our bodies are depleted of B vitamins, urine will lighten in color till clear – a sign you are deficient in B vitamins.

I love B-Complex! 
This is one supplement I literally cannot live without. 
Shaklee’s B-Complex is the main reason I can walk and am living a normal life. 
Without it I would not be able to do all that I do.
If you want to talk more about B-Complex, just contact me. I will be happy to talk with you more on how B-Complex has helped me and countless others.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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