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Sinus & Allergy Problems in the Fall?

Allergies, sinus pressure & pain….what gives?

It is fall and we’ve already had frost. The flowers are gone and the grass has stopped growing so how can I be experiencing allergies?

This time of year we have a lot of people come to us with their allergies looking for help and asking these very same questions.

Even though frost has killed off a lot of the flowers, many weeds are now going to seed. Leaves are falling, laying on the ground getting wet and decaying. This process leaves a perfect place for mold and dust to take over and if you are sensitive to this, you get the allergies and sinus problems.

Also, with the temperatures dipping low at night, many people turn on their furnaces that blow out 6 months of dust build up. Then there are people who heat with wood, so they are cutting wood and starting to burn it. This is a popular time for trees to be trimmed and cut down. All this sawdust flying around can throw your allergies into a tailspin.

So what can you do?

You could turn to the medications, both prescribed and over the counter, but all these have some pretty nasty side effects. And if your children are the ones suffering, it has been recommended by health researchers that the ingredients in those medications are very dangerous to children and do not recommend giving them to children.

Here are a couple of examples:

Corticosteroids – used to prevent and treat inflammation.
Side effects: cataracts, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, delayed growth in children

Antihistamines – blocks histamines, an inflammatory chemical produced by your immune system.
Side effect: dry mouth, drowsiness, slow reaction time (not good if you are driving).

Ex: Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl

According to the Mayo Clinic, “These older, sedating meds should not be given to children.” And according to the Food & Drug Administration, “These drugs can cause serious and potentially life–threatening adverse events in young children…death, convulsion, rapid heart rates, and decreased levels of consciousness have been reported.”

Wow! That’s scary!

There are healthier alternatives.

We all know about limiting the white stuff we consume – sugar, flour, salt in excess makes it too hard on our bodies to fight foreign invaders. Allergies are closely tied to the immune system. If your body is busy fighting germs with no good nutrients to fuel it, the immune system will suffer and allergy symptoms are often the first sign your immune system is failing.

You knew it would come to this….eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean protein. Yep, it’s the starting point of fixing most all health issues.

After that you want to supplement to fill in the gaps of what you can’t eat every day. I don’t even eat 7 fresh fruits and veggies EVERY day, do you? Of course not.

So what supplements are good for building the immune system and fighting allergies?

Always start with your multi-vitamin/multi-mineral to be your foundation and build a specific program from there based on your specific needs.

Then I suggest adding Alfalfa, Vitamin C, Garlic, Vitamin D, OmegaGuard (omega 3) Probiotics & Nutriferon.

We actually have a wonderful webinar we did where we discuss allergies, the medications used, healthy options and what you can do to get relief.

In this webinar we hear from a doctor who is very knowledgeable about the drug classes and latest research and we hear from a nutritionist as well as a mom whose child suffered horribly and find out what she did to get her relief. If you think you would like to listen to this webinar, let me know.

Not sure where to start or what to choose?

Just contact me by clicking the “Contact Me” button up top and we can set up an appointment to talk. Our consultations are always free. 

To see the vitamin brand we recommend using click here:

We want you to enjoy your fall, not suffer through it!


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