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Uncovering the Ideal Formula for Rehydration

When we work hard we dehydrate. Finding the best way to re-hydrate, especially if you are an athlete or an astronaut is extremely important.

If we are dehydrated, we can't perform at our best. Even if you are not an athlete, you still need to rehydrate efficiently to keep your energy level up and don't experience things like backaches, headaches, fuzzy thinking, fatigue, etc, which are all symptoms of dehydration.

NASA knew it was crucial to find the best rehydration drink for their astronauts during re-entry.

One study done,
 Vascular Uptake of Rehydration Fluids in Hypohydrated Men atRest and Exercise (Click link to read full study) addressed this problem.

Why was this study done?

Astronauts commonly experience dehydration during long flights. It is important to understand the role of rehydration formulas and their ability to prevent dehydration (maintenance of plasma volume). This study was designed to better understand the role of differing concentrations of rehydration formulas on dehydrated subjects.

What did the study find?

The rehydration formulas that contained similar sodium concentrations to blood plasma (isotonic concentrations) were the most successful at returning plasma volume to normal levels following dehydration.

Did you know that Shaklee for decades has worked with NASA and they developed a rehydration drink for astronauts to use during this re-entry?

You can also obtain this same rehydration drink. It is called Shaklee Performance. You can find it here along with other sports nutrition products that many Olympic athletes use: 
Shaklee Sports Nutrition™

If you want to talk more about Sports Nutrition, contact me, I will be happy to help.

 #performance #dehydration #rehydration #astronauts #sportsnutrition


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