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Cleaning White Baseball Pants

My son started little league this year and wouldn’t you know it, his baseball pants are snow white. On opening day it had rained earlier and the mud on ball fields is an interesting mix of stain causing colors.

My son’s team won and so did the mud over the pants.

Here is a picture before I tackled the mud. It was ground in as my son thinks he has to slide every chance he gets. Lucky me.

I used my “Soak the Impossible” recipe and here they are now! Ta da! Mom and her cleaners does it again!

They say to take a picture as it will last longer. So I did as I believe it is going to rain the night before his next game.

Want to know what I did to get them so clean?

I used Shaklee’s Get Clean line of safe, non-toxic laundry products.

I rinsed them in the stationary tub to get some of the crusty mud off. Then I washed them with an old white towel (to balance the load) with Shaklee’s 

Do not dry them in the dryer, it will set the stain. (However, I have been known to get even dryer set in stains out with this method - it just takes longer)

Then in a small tub I added hot water and a squirt of the Liquid Laundry Concentrate. Then I added about a ¼ cup of Nature Bright Laundry Booster & Stain Remover and a quick squirt of Basic-H², mix it well then add the pants. 

I scrub the bad spots by hand. You can either rub the fabric together or use a scrub brush. Just be careful using a brush though as it can mess up the fiber. I prefer to rub the fabric together.

If the water gets really dirty then dump it out and refill with water and the laundry products, then submerge pants in the water to soak. Make sure entire clothing is covered with water.

Depending on how bad the stains are and the type of fabric it is will determine how long they need to soak. I soaked these for two days, scrubbing once per day and changing out the water and laundry products as the water became dirty, which was only once.

The coach’s wife said the brand of pants we had, Under Armour was bad for holding stains. Wouldn’t you know it that would be the brand we purchased. Oh well, I was up to the challenge and was confident Shaklee & I could get them clean.

I think the picture says it all!

If you want to purchase the products mentioned, just click on the links or visit our Healthy Home page for the complete line.

Shaklee’s home products are safe, non-toxic, biodegradable and as you can see really work!

You can purchase the products individually or as a complete kit. And for every Get Clean Starter Kit purchased you will get a free membership* which entitles you to 15-25% off of everything PLUS you will get a free Scour Off Paste – we use this to safely clean our oven, grill and much more!

*Note: Membership means you get big discounts and special sales. There are NO minimums to buy or any other requirements other than ordering at least once a year to maintain member status. 

If you know of a mom who is struggling with stains, share with her this story. You will be saving her health and her sanity all at the same time!


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