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5 Easy Ways for Moms (& All Women) Can Get Healthier

1 - Kick the Stress

Most of us experience stress every day. Daily stress and anxiety wreak havoc with our sense of well-being and the impact of prolonged stress can have severe consequences on our health.
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control estimates 75-90% of all visits to the doctor's office are stress related. One key to good health is to keep levels of stress in check.

Get started by:

Identifying Your Stressors — Whether it's money issues, traffic or the piles of laundry, the first step to managing stress is knowing what is causing the most stress in your life. Once identified, you can begin to figure out how to overcome stress or manage it better. So what’s bugging you?

Setting Priorities — Take stock to determine what's really important and learn to say "No". This can be one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself. You can’t do it all, so choose what is most important to you and learn to let the rest go. It’s OK if you start singing, “Let it Go, Let it Go…”

Delegating Responsibilities — You don't have to be "Supermom", learn to ask for help and assign tasks to other family members. The best “managers” are those who know how to delegate. Teaching kids about responsibilities is also good for them, not just to help you out. You are not helping them any by doing everything for them. One of the best lessons a mom can teach her children is how to take care of themselves.

Relaxing and Meditating - Research has shown that taking time out of each day to relax and meditate can help reduce stress. This is so true. Taking just a few minutes a day to just sit and relax; breathe deep and empty your overcrowded brain can do wonders for your mood. Even if it means locking yourself in the bathroom with earplugs.

Exercise – Don’t forget the benefits of exercise. See our tip on exercise below.

*Try Shaklee’s
 Stress Relief Complex*, a botanical combination which includes a powerful stress reliever from green tea to help promote relaxation, alertness and concentration, and help relieve everyday stress in as little as 30 minutes.* This stuff works great. A Mom’s best friend during trying times.

2 - Get Enough Sleep 

Emerging scientific evidence indicates that insufficient sleep can be harmful to our health.

Sleep Well and Re-energize - Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule; establish a relaxing bedtime routine; and try not to eat a meal, drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages or exercise within a few hours of bedtime. There is nothing like a good night’s rest to help with your day. It can be hard though when there are so many things on your mind. Try meditation, reading and hey, here’s an idea! - talking with your spouse! Just keep the talks light, nothing stressful.

*To contend with occasional sleeplessness and to help you get a good night's rest, try Shaklee Gentle Sleep Complex* which uses natural botanicals to promote a calm and restful sleep.

3 - Eat Right

Good nutrition is essential to health and poor food choices contribute to health challenges including weight gain. Start by improving your diet by eating a variety of foods, choosing whole grains, beans and legumes and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't forget to include some lean protein from fish, chicken, soy and nonfat dairy and select heart-healthy omega-3 fats from fish, avocado and nuts.

*It’s hard to eat right and who has time to cook a big meal every day? So to help fill in the gaps don’t forget your vitamins. Shaklee’s Vitalizer is a complete daily vitamin regime in a convenient easy to take pack. Just toss them in your purse or pocket and off you go – with energy! Plus we guarantee you will feel better in 30 days or your money back!

For women of child bearing years and teens – Vitalizer for Women
For men or postmenopausal women – Vitalizer for Men
For men and women over 50 – Vitalizer Gold with vitamin K for adults 50+ and Vitalizer Gold without vitamin K for adults 50+
For kids – Chewable for Kids 

4 - Exercise 

No brainer here. We all know that exercise is a healthy habit and it's never too late to start. You don’t have to train for a marathon to feel good. Just a 30 minute workout can boost your mood and you can literally kick stress out of the way. Walking is a great activity for everyone, too. Start with a 10 or 15-minute walk, especially if you haven't been exercising regularly and build up from there. Lifting light weights 2-3 times a week is a must for strong bones and keeping muscle. Do your best to be active every day. Exercise helps lower stress, lose weight and increase strength, which helps our stress level too.

*Shaklee can help your exercise program with their weight loss program and sports nutrition products.

Lose the weight & keep the muscle with Shaklee 180
Stay hydrated with Performance Maximum Endurance Sports Drink in orange or lemon lime flavors

5 - Take a "Timeout" with Friends

A landmark UCLA study suggests that hanging out with friends can actually counteract the kind of stress most women experience on a daily basis. When women engage in this 'tending or befriending' with children and other women, studies suggest that the hormone oxytocin is released, which further counters stress and produces a calming effect.

We always knew that friends made us feel good and now there is actual evidence that they are good for our health!
So the next time you need a lift-me-up or simply want to relax, call up your closest group of girlfriends for a fun gathering.

*And why not make money while having fun and sharing with your friends? We can show you how: It’s Time to Dream Again

Watch our fun, short video of Moms and what we do here: Moms Making a Difference

Take care of yourself so you can continue to take care of those you love.

Want to learn more about how Shaklee helps to keep you healthy with products that come with a 100% money back guarantee?

Visit our website:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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