You probably know what foods you need to be eating for a stronger immune system. It is as easy as adding fresh, unprocessed protein, vegetables, fruit, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds to your daily and weekly diet for you to start feeling better. It's a wonderful bonus that many of those foods are excellent for providing other health advantages like a strong heart, better brain functioning and an improved respiratory system. Speaking of bolstering your heart, brain and respiratory process, exercise can provide those benefits as well. And you don't have to take up hours of weekly strength training or run 5 miles every day to benefit. Actually, over-training and exercising too hard can have a negative effect on your body's ability to fight off infection and illness. How "Smart" Exercise Works to Boost Immunity There is a lot of research on the multiple benefits of exercise. You feel great about yourself, you sleep better, your brain is more crisp and clear, and you ...