Do you always go for the cheapest vitamin? Do you ever look at the vitamin bottle and wonder if what is on the label is really in there? Do you think it’s worth a few extra bucks when buying supplements to pick ones that are tested? Well, duh, right? I mean, we all want quality vitamins, ones that work, but we also don’t want to waste our money. So, is there really a difference between expensive and cheap vitamins? Are expensive vitamins really worth it? One of the biggest mistakes people make in their desire to supplement their diet is taking inexpensive vitamins. Buy 1 get 1 deals or supplements at your grocery and pharmacy, or products you can buy through the mail are rarely, if ever, worth taking. Why is that? The reality is, that high quality raw materials are expensive. This includes the research it takes to ensure they are high quality, are free of contaminants and that the ingredients in the products do what they're intended to do. A company could actuall...
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