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Showing posts from May, 2019

2 Big Mistakes Women Make

We all do at least one, if not both of these.  Do you? Here is the link to the webinar on women's health with Dr. Jaime McManus:  Woman's Wellness 101 How to Transform Women's Health at Every Age  with Dr. Jamie McManus

FREE Webinar - Women's Health

FREE Online Webinar  Woman's Wellness 101 How to Transform Women's Health at Every Age  with Dr. Jamie McManus. Wednesday, May 29th at 8:30 pm ET As we celebrate the National Women's Health Week this May, we'll focus on how women can transform their health at every age. In our upcoming webinar, Woman's Wellness 101, guest speaker Dr. Jamie McManus will discuss the health problems women encounter and what they can do to manage or address them. Be sure to register for this free webinar -  Women's Health Webinar You will receive instructions on how to join the webinar online via email. Please contact us if you have any questions. Hope to see you there! ~Julie

May Focus: Women's Health

The Vitality For Life Newsletter will be hitting your email box soon.  Be sure and keep an eye out for it this week. In this issue:  Women's Nutrition Wellness Webinar How Babies Are Affected by Their Mothers' Nutrition Shaklee vs. Other Prenatal Vitamins 3 Powerful Benefits of GLA for Women's Health Plus, much more! Want to receive this issue? Go here and request it: Vitality For Life Newsletter

What I Found Helps With PMS

I share what I found helps with PMS and how to get yourself and your hubby to come back! Here is the link to the Free Ebook I was trying to tell you about, but got so tongue tied!  What Your Doctor Wasn't Taught About Nutrition  And get your free access to our Wellness Center that has great articles, like the one I mentioned about PMS and GLA written by doctors, nutritionists and other health experts. It's information you can trust.  The Wellness Center As always, please reach out to me and ask questions, set up an appointment for a consultation and more. Reach me here: Contact Me

Cholesterol Testimony

"I’ve been blessed with a lot of things in life, but not good cholesterol. Genetically, mine has always been high no matter what I do.  My doc was going to put me on meds, so I said, 'Give me 3 months, let me try something.'  I started taking your Cholesterol product and increased my fiber intake. My doc couldn’t believe I dropped my overall cholesterol by 20%! Yes, 20%!  Now my levels are fine, no need for meds.  I like that your products are natural - no junk, no side effects. My nutrition sponsor for 7 years. Thank you!" Matt E. The above testimony is NOT a prescription,  should not be treated as such  and does not replace medical advice. This is just a testimony from an individual(s) who had a positive experience with the product(s) referenced. These are personal testimonies and are not endorsed by Shaklee Corporation. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to di...

5 Easy Ways for Moms (& All Women) Can Get Healthier

These 5 simple ways will help remind you on what to do to get healthier. It's short, so you still have time to get the next thing done on your list.  Be sure and check out my free resource below and let's get together and chat. Click here to learn what I was referring to:  Take Control 

May Schedule Of Wellness Events

Below is a list of Wellness Events for the month of May. Be sure to visit our website of events to keep up on any late additions or changes at: The month of May we focus on Women's Health. Expect to see articles surrounding women's health with some great tips written by doctors, nutritionists & other health experts.  Be sure to request access to see all these articles in our Wellness Center - Below is a list of activities you can expect from us this month.  5/7 - Tuesday Tips @10 - Join us on our Facebook page -   - 10:00 AM EST on Facebook live for health and wellness tips. Interact with me live, ask questions or just stop by and say Hello! We do this every Tuesday.   5/8 - Free Lifestyle Webinar - Traveler's Diary - 5/9 - Week...

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