The FDA does not require expiration dates on supplement bottles so many companies don't include them. While often the expired vitamins simply don't provide any benefit, there are a few that could become rancid, which isn't healthy to take. One of the biggest mistakes people make in their desire to supplement their diet is taking inexpensive vitamins. Buy 1 get 1 deals or supplements at your grocery, pharmacy or products you can buy through the mail are rarely, if ever, worth taking. In addition to often vitamins being expired, they can simply be so cheaply and poorly made, they may even be risky to take. The reality is, that high quality raw materials are expensive. This includes the research it takes to ensure they are of high quality, free of contaminants and that the ingredients in the products do what they're intended to do. A company could actually spend several thousand to test just one ingredient. This is why bargain basement supplements are eit...