Years ago, no one thought too much about the bacteria that live in our digestive tract. Scientists knew there were plenty of bacteria in our gut, but they didn't think too much about them. That has all changed. There are now more than three hundred clinical research studies looking into what those little bugs in our guts are doing for us and what the studies have found is amazing. Your digestive tract contains more than 100 trillion bacteria (that is 10 times the number of cells in your entire body) and collectively makes up an inner ecosystem known as our gut flora. The health of that ecosystem, it turns out, can be very important to your overall health. Gut flora Gut flora help us in a lot of ways. They are used to aid in the digestion of food and absorb nutrients; many vitamins and minerals are released from the food you eat by bacteria in our digestive tract. The gut flora are a huge part of our immune system contributing up to 80% of our immune system and they help ...
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