Shaklee Life Plan - The best, most comprehensive nutritional system in the world Find it here: Shaklee Life Plan What is it? Shaklee Life Plan - Feel amazing in 30 days The best, most comprehensive nutritional system in the world Clinically proven nutrients to help provide the foundation for a longer, healthier life* Feel younger, longer -- for the rest of your life Guaranteed 35 Patents/Pending Shaklee Life Plan is the result of the foremost scientific research and decades of studies, designed to bring you the essential nutrients for a healthy life. Combining the Shaklee Life Energizing Shake and Shaklee Life-Strip, the plan promotes every aspect of your health— with nutrients clinically proven to help provide the foundation for a longer, healthier life. * What's in it? Shaklee Life Energizing Shake - available in soy and non-soy formulas Delicious meal shake designed to: increase energy help you achieve a healthier weight provide digestive a...